Take a journey back in time to see what twelve mighty metropolises actually looked like during an important moment in their history. In this interactive and fact-filled tour, kids will discover intriguing facts about each historic city, what it looked like in the past, and how a significant event changed it forever.
On each page, open the gatefolds and lift the flaps to discover how these historic civilizations have evolved into modern cities, and compare their past appearance with their current one. Experience daily life in Great Zimbabwe, witness the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, see how Las Vegas went from a desolate desert to a booming city, and lots more.
Historical cities featured:
Thebes, Egypt, Africa, c. 1200 bce
Babylon, Iraq, Asia, c. 550 bce
Pompeii, Italy, Europe, 79 ce
Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey, Europe/Asia, 550
Aarhus, Denmark, Europe, c. 950
Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Africa, c. 1250
Tenochtitlan/Mexico City, Mexico, North America, c. 1520
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America, c. 1560
London, England, UK, Europe, 1666
Sydney, Australia, c. 1780
Las Vegas, USA, North America, c. 1905
Shanghai, China, Asia, c. 1950